Table of Contents
1. flower
noun. ['ˈflaʊɝ'] a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms.
- cudweed
- African daisy
- paeony
- Swan River daisy
- butterfly flower
- poor man's orchid
- chrysanthemum
- stock
- wild oats
- Erysimum arkansanum
- tidy tips
- scabiosa
- Consolida ambigua
- snapdragon
- Sparaxis tricolor
- fig marigold
- butter-and-eggs
- calceolaria
- white daisy
- calendula
- Mentzelia livicaulis
- Gomphrena globosa
- catchfly
- Hesperis matronalis
- Tanacetum coccineum
- Cotula coronopifolia
- orchidaceous plant
- Saponaria vaccaria
- old maid flower
- Cyclamen neopolitanum
- Eupatorium coelestinum
- petunia
- Gypsophila paniculata
- dahlia
- spring beauty
- schizanthus
- Arctotis venusta
- Bessera elegans
- China aster
- Christmas bells
- sweet alison
- catananche
- tidytips
- composite
- star of the veldt
- Ranunculus ficaria
- wild snapdragon
- xeranthemum
- coneflower
- Dame's violet
- gazania
- ox-eyed daisy
- umbrellawort
- portulaca
- vervain
- stemless daisy
- blue marguerite
- cosmos
- Cheiranthus cheiri
- Saponaria officinalis
- kingfisher daisy
- hedge pink
- painted daisy
- Lobularia maritima
- delphinium
- horn poppy
- baby's breath
- damask violet
- Centranthus ruber
- blue-eyed African daisy
- Claytonia virginica
- cornflower aster
- horned poppy
- stokes' aster
- toadflax
- Texas star
- poppy
- bluebottle
- sandwort
- Vaccaria pyramidata
- peony
- soapwort
- marigold
- Carolina spring beauty
- Felicia bergeriana
- Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
- schizopetalon
- Townsendia Exscapa
- Lonas annua
- billy buttons
- bartonia
- commelina
- Cyclamen purpurascens
- yellow horned poppy
- veronica
- devil's flax
- helianthus
- Lithophragma affine
- cornflower
- rocket larkspur
- Delphinium ajacis
- ammobium
- nigella
- Centaurea moschata
- spathe flower
- Clatonia lanceolata
- Lindheimera texana
- garden pink
- corydalis
- sweet sultan
- shortia
- Malcolmia maritima
- cotton rose
- Saintpaulia ionantha
- Centaurea cyanus
- Callistephus chinensis
- Anemonella thalictroides
- scorpionweed
- silene
- coral drops
- Felicia amelloides
- Senecio cruentus
- Centaurea imperialis
- mist-flower
- heliophila
- Virginia spring beauty
- aster
- Malcolm stock
- Alsobia dianthiflora
- Pericallis cruenta
- Zantedeschia aethiopica
- Moehringia mucosa
- cow cockle
- flowering plant
- pyrethrum
- Mentzelia laevicaulis
- Brachycome Iberidifolia
- Amberboa moschata
- blue daisy
- bush violet
- Claytonia caroliniana
- Vaccaria hispanica
- lace-flower vine
- Polianthes tuberosa
- verbena
- Cheiranthus asperus
- valerian
- begonia
- gentian
- babies'-breath
- brass buttons
- African violet
- hot water plant
- Tellima affinis
- globe amaranth
- aquilege
- browallia
- oxeye daisy
- tithonia
- scarlet musk flower
- sunflower
- pebble plant
- calla lily
- mistflower
- streptocarpus
- merry bells
- scorpion weed
- yellow ageratum
- cineraria
- Episcia dianthiflora
- pilewort
- gillyflower
- Dahlia pinnata
- lychnis
- sweet alyssum
- cowherb
- sea poppy
- Mentzelia lindleyi
- campion
- centaury
- bloomer
- Linaria vulgaris
- wandflower
- sweet rocket
- Stokesia laevis
- achimenes
- daisy
- Arctotis stoechadifolia
- Chrysanthemum coccineum
- Virginia stock
- candytuft
- angiosperm
- sun marigold
- western wall flower
- bachelor's button
- bouncing Bet
- blazing star
- lesser celandine
- zinnia
- pink
- Cyclamen hederifolium
- sowbread
- old maid
- Nyctaginia capitata
- Adonis annua
- ageratum
- Lonas inodora
- cape marigold
- cosmea
- Mexican sunflower
- calla
- rue anemone
- Virginian stock
- ursinia
- peace lily
- scabious
- prairie rocket
- Moehringia lateriflora
- Erysimum asperum
- columbine
- moon daisy
- bellwort
- aquilegia
- cyclamen
- tuberose
- Erysimum cheiri
- wallflower
- speedwell
- bouncing Bess
- windflower
- gerardia
- Leucanthemum vulgare
- composite plant
- Glaucium flavum
- red valerian
- Lithophragma affinis
- marguerite
- Pericallis hybrida
- phacelia
- woodland star
- anemone
- four o'clock
- Layia platyglossa
- filago
- pheasant's-eye
- orchid
- spathiphyllum
- slipperwort
- white-topped aster
- French honeysuckle
- Schizopetalon walkeri
- Conoclinium coelestinum
- arum lily
- florest's cineraria
- flour (Middle English (1100-1500))
- flur (Anglo-Norman)
Rhymes with Flower Power
- mph
- underpower
- superpower
- overpower
- empower
- devour
- trower
- scour
- klauer
- grauer
- glower
- flour
- clower
- brower
- brougher
- brauer
- tower
- tauer
- sour
- shower
- schauer
- sauer
- rauer
- nauer
- mauer
- lauer
- knauer
- kauer
- how're
- hower
2. flower
noun. ['ˈflaʊɝ'] reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts.
- flour (Middle English (1100-1500))
- flur (Anglo-Norman)
3. power
noun. ['ˈpaʊɝ'] possession of controlling influence.
- control
- persuasiveness
- irresistibility
- sway
- effectuality
- preponderance
- disposal
- throttlehold
- interestingness
- repellent
- legal power
- effectiveness
- jurisdiction
- influence
- potency
- quality
- effectivity
- irresistibleness
- discretion
- valence
- strength
- interest
- effectualness
- powerfulness
- stranglehold
- powerful
- valency
- free will
- puissance
- repellant
- powerless
- chokehold
- poer (Middle English (1100-1500))
- poer (Old French (842-ca. 1400))
4. power
noun. ['ˈpaʊɝ'] possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done.
- poer (Middle English (1100-1500))
- poer (Old French (842-ca. 1400))
5. power
noun. ['ˈpaʊɝ'] (physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second).
- poer (Middle English (1100-1500))
- poer (Old French (842-ca. 1400))
6. power
noun. ['ˈpaʊɝ'] a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself.
- poer (Middle English (1100-1500))
- poer (Old French (842-ca. 1400))
7. power
noun. ['ˈpaʊɝ'] (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power.
- poer (Middle English (1100-1500))
- poer (Old French (842-ca. 1400))
8. power
noun. ['ˈpaʊɝ'] one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority.
- poer (Middle English (1100-1500))
- poer (Old French (842-ca. 1400))
9. power
noun. ['ˈpaʊɝ'] physical strength.
- poer (Middle English (1100-1500))
- poer (Old French (842-ca. 1400))