Table of Contents
Rhymes with Cell Doctrine
3. doctrine
noun. ['ˈdɑːktrən, ˈdɔktɝɪn'] a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school.
- teaching
- democracy
- utilitarianism
- functionalism
- antiestablishmentism
- freethinking
- populism
- theological doctrine
- pluralism
- creationism
- prescriptivism
- contextualism
- school of thought
- religious doctrine
- antiestablishmentarianism
- philosophical theory
- philosophy
- philosophical doctrine
- rationalism
- Cabalism
- secessionism
- secularism
- ism
- nuclear deterrence
- belief
- precept
- gospel
- amoralism
- epicureanism
- church doctrine
- egalitarianism
- millennium
- establishmentism
- humanitarianism
- feminism
- animism
- formalism
- secular humanism
- equalitarianism
- presentism
- individualism
- internationalism
- pacificism
- nationalism
- Kabbalism
- states' rights
- philosophical system
- expansionism
- ethicism
- abolitionism
- phenomenology
- majority rule
- multiculturalism
- commandment
- passivism
- establishmentarianism
- pacifism
- creed
- dynamism
- laissez faire
- dualism
- reincarnationism
- monism
- asceticism
- literalism
- unilateralism
- irredentism
- divine right
- imitation
- divine right of kings
- credo
- descriptivism
- absolutism
- humanism
- irridentism
- dogma
- nihilism
- Girondism
- animalism
- gymnosophy
5. cell
noun. ['ˈsɛl'] (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals.
- animate thing
- germ cell
- Leydig's cell
- arthrospore
- reproductive cell
- acaryote
- zygote
- mother cell
- nucleus
- cytol
- akaryote
- plant cell
- archesporium
- gametocyte
- fertilized ovum
- cell membrane
- protoplast
- Sertoli's cell
- vacuole
- Sertoli cell
- archespore
- cytomembrane
- cell organ
- cell nucleus
- blastomere
- blastema
- Kupffer's cell
- fiber
- recombinant
- cytoplasm
- living thing
- vegetative cell
- polar body
- being
- formative cell
- embryonic cell
- akaryocyte
- somatic cell
- fibre
- organelle
- daughter cell
- energid
- karyon
- organism
- parthenote
- beta cell
- plasma membrane
- flagellated cell
- sex cell
- Leydig cell
6. cell
noun. ['ˈsɛl'] a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction.
8. cell
noun. ['ˈsɛl'] a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver.
9. cell
noun. ['ˈsɛl'] a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement.