Table of Contents
Rhymes with Flat Bone
- diaz-calderon
- revolucion
- corporacion
- concepcion
- flintstone
- bourguignon
- vanstone
- unbeknown
- trombone
- romanone
- overthrown
- overgrown
- overblown
- morricone
- montrone
- homegrown
- cipollone
- calderon
- yarchoan
- stallone
- scavone
- postpone
- outgrown
- mcglone
- mccrone
- latrone
- hipbone
- dragone
- dethrone
- cyclone
2. flat
adjective. ['ˈflæt'] having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another.
3. bone
noun. ['ˈboʊn'] rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates.
- bare bone
- manubrium
- tarsal
- astragal
- horn
- coronoid process
- ischial bone
- costa
- palatine
- osseous tissue
- sinciput
- round bone
- fetter bone
- dentine
- ilium
- pubis
- marrow
- long bone
- braincase
- turbinate
- wrist bone
- os ischii
- sphenoid
- skull
- arcus zygomaticus
- os pubis
- membrane bone
- collarbone
- os breve
- sesamoid bone
- tarsal bone
- ground substance
- carpal
- occiput
- shoulder blade
- talus
- scapula
- matrix
- modiolus
- bonelet
- os sphenoidale
- intercellular substance
- anklebone
- tail bone
- clavicle
- sutural bone
- temporal bone
- gladiolus
- tympanic bone
- calcaneus
- skullcap
- phalanx
- zygomatic bone
- os temporale
- vomer
- astragalus
- socket
- turbinal
- cheekbone
- ethmoid
- os sesamoideum
- os nasale
- cuboid bone
- zygoma
- ossicle
- endoskeleton
- bone marrow
- zygomatic
- sphenoid bone
- pastern
- processus coronoideus
- metacarpal bone
- short bone
- condyle
- centrum
- palatine bone
- jugal bone
- turbinate bone
- hipbone
- os tarsi fibulare
- ramus
- nasal bone
- os longum
- vertebra
- ossiculum
- lacrimal bone
- os palatinum
- ethmoid bone
- carpal bone
- metatarsal
- shoulder bone
- corpus sternum
- innominate bone
- ischium
- lamella
- cannon bone
- hyoid bone
- sesamoid
- breastbone
- os
- pubic bone
- marrowbone
- jaw
- cranium
- metacarpal
- fishbone
- sacrum
- furcula
- cartilage bone
- dentin
- hyoid
- sternum
- xiphoid process
- os hyoideum
- collagen
- zygomatic arch
- rib
- nasal
- tooth
- bone cell
- calvaria
- brainpan
- malar
- malar bone
- os zygomaticum
- connective tissue
- coccyx
- Wormian bone
- heelbone
- bon (Middle English (1100-1500))
- ban (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
4. flat
adjective. ['ˈflæt'] having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness.
5. bone
noun. ['ˈboʊn'] the porous calcified substance from which bones are made.
- bon (Middle English (1100-1500))
- ban (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
10. bone
adjective. ['ˈboʊn'] consisting of or made up of bone.
- bon (Middle English (1100-1500))
- ban (Old English (ca. 450-1100))