Table of Contents
Rhymes with Leaf Disease
- )un-parentheses
- senegalese
- indochinese
- franchisees'
- franchisees
- abdulaziz
- resignees
- powerpcs'
- powerpcs
- licensees
- lapd's
- interviewees
- inductees
- guaranty's
- guaranties
- guarantees
- guarantee's
- expertise
- enlistees
- disagrees
- designees
- deportees
- congolese
- cantonese
- aujourd'hui's
- amputees
- absentees
- abductees
- underseas
- trustees'
Sentences with leaf-disease
1. Noun Phrase
Several leaf diseases affect maples, but few cause significant damage.
2. leaf-roller
noun. moth whose larvae form nests by rolling and tying leaves with spun silk.
3. leaf-miner
noun. any of various small moths or dipterous flies whose larvae burrow into and feed on leaf tissue especially of the family Gracilariidae.
4. disease
noun. ['dɪˈziːz'] an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning.
- goitre
- crud
- pseudorubella
- fibrocystic breast disease
- cat scratch disease
- unwellness
- plant disease
- respiratory disease
- periodontal disease
- exanthema subitum
- respiratory disorder
- Marseilles fever
- pyknosis
- rheumatism
- illness
- periarteritis nodosa
- phlebotomus
- disease of the skin
- genetic abnormality
- thyromegaly
- skin disorder
- genetic defect
- liver disease
- symptom
- mimesis
- incompetence
- anthrax
- disease of the neuromuscular junction
- congenital disease
- periodontitis
- struma
- malignance
- milk sickness
- endemic disease
- industrial disease
- respiratory illness
- roseola infantilis
- pappataci fever
- blackwater
- ozena
- sign
- genetic disease
- Kawasaki disease
- onychosis
- filariasis
- sandfly fever
- fibrocystic disease of the breast
- autoimmune disorder
- aspergillosis
- autoimmune disease
- inherited disorder
- pycnosis
- polyarteritis nodosa
- malady
- Kenya fever
- inflammatory disease
- occupational disease
- hereditary condition
- mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
- hereditary disease
- Indian tick fever
- cystic mastitis
- endemic
- roseola infantum
- genetic disorder
- goiter
- ozaena
- Meniere's disease
- syndrome
- skin disease
- animal disease
- communicable disease
- deficiency disease
- boutonneuse fever
- enteropathy
- inherited disease
- sickness
- cystic breast disease
- malignancy
- eye disease
- disese (Middle English (1100-1500))
- desese (Anglo-Norman)
5. leaf
noun. ['ˈliːf'] the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants.
- scale
- lobe
- fig leaf
- rosette
- serrate leaf
- floral leaf
- scale leaf
- venation
- verdure
- parted leaf
- leafage
- foliage
- compound leaf
- leaf blade
- cataphyll
- entire leaf
- simple leaf
- crenate leaf
- frond
- leaflet
- sporophyl
- pitcher
- greenery
- parallel-veined leaf
- blade
- prickly-edged leaf
- runcinate leaf
- dandelion green
- amplexicaul leaf
- emarginate leaf
- sporophyll
- plant organ
- lobed leaf
- dentate leaf
- leaf shape
- erose leaf
- pad
- parenchyma
- leef (Middle English (1100-1500))
- leaf (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
6. leaf
noun. ['ˈliːf'] a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book).
- leef (Middle English (1100-1500))
- leaf (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
7. leaf
verb. ['ˈliːf'] produce leaves, of plants.
- leef (Middle English (1100-1500))
- leaf (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
8. leaf
verb. ['ˈliːf'] look through a book or other written material.
- leef (Middle English (1100-1500))
- leaf (Old English (ca. 450-1100))