Table of Contents
1. non-nucleoside_reverse_transcriptase_inhibitor
noun. an antiviral drug used against HIV; binds directly to reverse transcriptase and prevents RNA conversion to DNA; often used in combination with other drugs.
Rhymes with Sine Qua Non
- santistevan
- srinivasan
- grandmaison
- rapprochement
- napolitan
- moseley-braun
- kazakhstan
- whereupon
- villagran
- perignon
- nithuekan
- moldovan
- christianne
- christiane
- azerbaijan
- thereupon
- st_john
- stjohn
- sanjuan
- mak-kwan
- guei-yuan
- goings-on
- denouement
- dainippon
- cadogan
- balaban
- almazan
- yirng-an
- vivyan
- teheran
Sentences with sine-qua-non
1. Noun Phrase
The notion that earlier experiences affect later functioning is the sine qua non of psychological and development theory.
2. non-discrimination
noun. ['nɑːnˌdɪskrɪmɪˈneɪʃən'] fairness in treating people without prejudice.
3. non-resistant
noun. a reformer who believes in passive resistance.
7. non-white
adjective. ['ˈnɑːnˈwaɪt, ˈnɑːnˈhwaɪt'] having skin rich in melanin pigments.