Table of Contents
1. Ovis
noun. sheep.
- Marco Polo sheep
- lamb
- Rocky Mountain sheep
- mammal genus
- white sheep
- Marco Polo's sheep
- Rocky Mountain bighorn
- Ovis aries
- Ovis vignei
- domestic sheep
- Ovis musimon
- bighorn sheep
- argali
- Ovis montana dalli
- moufflon
- bighorn
- Dall's sheep
- family Bovidae
- genus Ovis
- Ovis poli
- mouflon
- Ovis ammon
- wether
- sheep
- Ovis canadensis
- Bovidae
- urial
- cimarron
- argal
Sentences with ovis
1. Noun, singular or mass
While sarcoptic mange, caused by a bovine variant of Sarcoptes scabiei, starts on the head neck and shoulders, psoroptic mange, caused by Psoroptes ovis, first appears on the shoulders and rump.
2. Foreign word
Flies called Oestrus ovis lay their eggs outside a goat's nose.