
1. expatriate

verb. ['ɛkˈspeɪtriːˌeɪt, ɛkˈspeɪtriːət'] expel from a country.

Rhymes with Expatriate

  • compatriot
  • patriot

How do you pronounce expatriate?

Pronounce expatriate as ɛkˈspeɪtriˌeɪt.

US - How to pronounce expatriate in American English

UK - How to pronounce expatriate in British English

2. expatriate

noun. ['ɛkˈspeɪtriːˌeɪt, ɛkˈspeɪtriːət'] a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country.

3. expatriate

verb. ['ɛkˈspeɪtriːˌeɪt, ɛkˈspeɪtriːət'] move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad.
