Table of Contents
Rhymes with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- )un-parentheses
- senegalese
- indochinese
- franchisees'
- franchisees
- abdulaziz
- resignees
- powerpcs'
- powerpcs
- licensees
- lapd's
- interviewees
- inductees
- guaranty's
- guaranties
- guarantees
- guarantee's
- expertise
- enlistees
- disagrees
- designees
- deportees
- congolese
- cantonese
- aujourd'hui's
- amputees
- absentees
- abductees
- underseas
- trustees'
Quotes about chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease
1. "My grandfather died from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and I've seen family members struggle with asthma and other respiratory issues."
Vanessa Hudgens, BrainyQuote
2. "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a preventable and treatable disease that causes breathlessness, chronic sputum production and coughing."
World Health Organization,
Sentences with chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease
1. Noun Phrase
If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, you might benefit from supplemental oxygen.
2. Noun Phrase
A frequent cough and expulsion of phlegm indicate this first stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
3. Noun Phrase
It's so beneficial that it even helps people who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
2. pulmonary
adjective. ['ˈpʊlməˌnɛri'] relating to or affecting the lungs.
- pulmonarius (Latin)
3. disease
noun. ['dɪˈziːz'] an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning.
- goitre
- crud
- pseudorubella
- fibrocystic breast disease
- cat scratch disease
- unwellness
- plant disease
- respiratory disease
- periodontal disease
- exanthema subitum
- respiratory disorder
- Marseilles fever
- pyknosis
- rheumatism
- illness
- periarteritis nodosa
- phlebotomus
- disease of the skin
- genetic abnormality
- thyromegaly
- skin disorder
- genetic defect
- liver disease
- symptom
- mimesis
- incompetence
- anthrax
- disease of the neuromuscular junction
- congenital disease
- periodontitis
- struma
- malignance
- milk sickness
- endemic disease
- industrial disease
- respiratory illness
- roseola infantilis
- pappataci fever
- blackwater
- ozena
- sign
- genetic disease
- Kawasaki disease
- onychosis
- filariasis
- sandfly fever
- fibrocystic disease of the breast
- autoimmune disorder
- aspergillosis
- autoimmune disease
- inherited disorder
- pycnosis
- polyarteritis nodosa
- malady
- Kenya fever
- inflammatory disease
- occupational disease
- hereditary condition
- mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
- hereditary disease
- Indian tick fever
- cystic mastitis
- endemic
- roseola infantum
- genetic disorder
- goiter
- ozaena
- Meniere's disease
- syndrome
- skin disease
- animal disease
- communicable disease
- deficiency disease
- boutonneuse fever
- enteropathy
- inherited disease
- sickness
- cystic breast disease
- malignancy
- eye disease
- disese (Middle English (1100-1500))
- desese (Anglo-Norman)
4. chronic
adjective. ['ˈkrɑːnɪk'] being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering.