Table of Contents
1. bladder
noun. ['ˈblædɝ'] a distensible membranous sac (usually containing liquid or gas).
Rhymes with Bladder
- brader
- shadur
- sadder
- radder
- madere
- madder
- madar
- kadar
- bader
How do you pronounce bladder?
Pronounce bladder as ˈblædər.
US - How to pronounce bladder in American English
UK - How to pronounce bladder in British English
Sentences with bladder
1. Noun, singular or mass
His back legs may become paralyzed and he is likely to lose control of his bladder and bowels.
Quotes about bladder
1. The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.
- Alfred Hitchcock
2. …for it is often to be observed of the shallower men, that they are the very last to despond. It is the glory of the bladder that nothing can sink it; it is the reproach of a box of treasure, that once overboard it must drown
- Herman Melville, Pierre: or, the Ambiguities