Table of Contents
Rhymes with Andesite
- anthracite
- brucite
- calcite
- eyesight
- felicite
- foresight
- granulocyte
- gravesite
- hindsight
- hindsight
- hussite
- insight
- leukocyte
- lucite
- lymphocyte
- magnesite
- oversight
- parasite
- phagocyte
- plebiscite
Sentences with andesite
1. Noun, singular or mass
Examples of fine-grained extrusive rock include rhyolite, andesite and basalt.
2. Adjective
Those with intermediate colors are known as intermediate and include diorite, andesite and scoria.
3. Adverb
Other examples of igneous rocks include andesite, rhyolite, granodiorite and gabbro.